Saturday 17 May 2014


Years from now;
I will miss you like I miss tears of joy
All I will have are memories in my head,
Yet still miss you like I miss sound sleep,
No one will understand what I say when I speak.

Far set in the future when I remember envisioning you,
Older more mature and emotionally stable
You paving this elegant charging walk,
Speaking like ten wise women bundled into a lump of dexterity.

A point in time ahead where I will redraw your beauty,
Color my eyes with clash-dazzling dressings,
Amaze my mind with heightening heels,
Split my keen ears with a soft whispery voice of love.

That singled-out tense stretch of life where,
We will be too old to make love physically anymore,
When our growth will redundate and restore us to childhood
All expressions will be telepathic contact.

Our lips too frail to touch,
Your seduction too dull to stimulate,My words blunt enough,obstreperous to your sensual
We shall connect in spirit as we wait for the thread of time to be cut.

In those days,we will kiss thorned flowers,
We shan't bleed,rather implant seeds of affection
So rare the world will stare,as we declare our decades of togetherness
You will be the only comfort to my impending departure.

My love,this love is juve and elusive
Chances spelt out like moments we now trap,
This is what I saw in my dreams,the very night I proposed marriage,
When we were at that tender age,of love and fate.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


Sacrifices we make,
For Love's sake.
Repetitive mistake slays,
Yet I never see.
In and out chambers I have gone,
Still I hurt alone.

No one warns me about how deadly it becomes,
Branded it,' Sudden Storm'.
Hit me hard like a pugilist's jab,
Fingers of affliction on my chest like sword stabs.

I fall and bleed as a hopeless romantic,
I present metal you change to wooden stick.
Perhaps I'm lost and confused in between,
What is soft and hard either cake or cream.

How fast do I slide from,sense to insanity,
Is my mental in some incredible velocity?
That inches me closer to the start of race for fun,
As the world watches me protest via invaluable plans.

I sit on the other side on a chunk of ice,
My heated form owes you this,coldness is the price.
Feel my cemented feet impress your heart,
As my soiled palms roots your ego apart.

Complaints endless laments,
Is this how the world's troubles augment?
When my soul seeks comfort,
I guess this words are clarity in distort.

I surrender to the laws of nature before,
Me,this lifeless state hides underneath five floors.
I accept to live this way,
Do you have anything else to say?

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


I ask where is beauty found?
A herds-boy's creation wields the answer to the mystery,
Nature begins to demystify the beholder's attraction.

As I sat and watched him stare at the transfiguring tree.

I derived more than their wings displayed,
Two different matches.
Water lines turned to,
Sky times of one voice.

The other being whistles.

The vibrant birds speak to the observer,
He concentrates hard enough to listen beyond their unified words.
Sleep could not disorient him,
Fear was far from evident,
Despite the possible message sang by the birds.

At that moment he felt the vibration inside.

The pink bird,confessed
The brown bird,addressed
So sure and careful were they while singing,
They never went off tune.
Calculated beats swifting with them,
Ascending,drop pitch
A momentous pause,...
to give him time to begin another move.

He hesitates,their body language transmitted via eye-contact.
So meditated,the boy could not notice.
Median point was reached,
They unable to breach the rules of courtesy.

Even to the eerie interested stranger,who for an instant was addled by their techniques.

They simply,in a marvelous way
Handled the day like expert queen birds,
Who knew what hurts and what makes one laugh,
An atmosphere of tough was made easy for once,
As they smiled at each-other.

The boy,just collected himself and made a prayer internally.

The birds flew away...

Leaving the observer's eyes fixed on the young man,
As he stole glances at them,
As if he had something new to say.
Then again,time had moved and the winds of wait were to impatient to halt for that.

The boy in the herd concluded,"Beauty Exists In Imprinted Moments."

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

Tuesday 6 May 2014

In the NAME

Of LOVE never commit suicide,
Because of a breaking TIDE!

M.O.O aka C.evoL


When it began,it was fun,it was a nervous burn.
The thrilling speed,the obstructive reeds,this is now our seed.

Look at it well,watch it swell,
hear the birth bell.
You took him and left,my heart wields a cleft, I feel so daft.

Where shall I begin,will I need fins,or metallic wings?
Should I use the phone,or go to your fathers home,can I do this alone?

I'm done with the menta-miles.
I see you,him and her!
At the other end of the bridge of life.
Time is the string between the two of them.

I can't step forward,my heart is struck hard,their age gap is awkward.
I want to turn and run,that's a cowardly plan,I opt to take the burn.

We step on the thoughts and meet midway across the bridge.
Embracing you all with loads of love.
I hyperventilate and collapse so does the distance.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


It always seems so perfect from the perlius of single hood.
Seeing them together,walking,holding hands even singing to each other the love choruses.

Should i compare them to love birds?
Enough about them and love,

Let's talk about the words,silent and screaming sentences.
That ring and hide,above waves and below unmovable rocks.

When the perfect no longer exists,the imperfect unearthed.
Frustration and anger,popped by petty issues.
Hurling insults,that echo forever.
Days of silent that ensue.

So that is what love really is?

Or should i say what birds really aren't?

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


We watched suns-fold in together,
swerved rocks over water.

Now you're drowning with hate.
Light refuses to resurface.

I have lost it,
lost the corner stone for my heart.

My palms thrust it,I smiled as it skid away.
Replay,I do so recapturing the final loop.
That your tongue pointed at,as it submerged.

I lost my voice,
lost words that could have saved me this sorrow.

Below,my rock gradually turns to carbon,
instantly to diamond.

From here,where she no longer is.
I see her valuable twinkle and sparkle by the ocean bed.

I cannot dive in for her.
Like I said,
I have lost her.
Lost the treasure I once had.

Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


Is this how it should be like?
I constantly walk in the,labyrinth of your sweet heart.
Finding signs that lead to no major open road.
My unfeeling soul searches on.

The footpaths lead,at last to a familiar destination.
One governed by your,admirable pre-cautious trait.
I sit,you quench my thirst with your holy saliva.
I stand,you heighten my temperature with your anesthetic breath.
Confused enough,I lay down.
You beside me.

We touch.

We embrace.

Blend in love.

Become one.

Before it's done you vanish.
My comfortable dwelling place,swallowed by the sun.
The light I dread has shone.
A new day far from my lost dreams.
I remember it all,




Slip my palm beneath the pillow to find your necklace and perfumed scarf.,as I relate its texture to that of your skin.
It lingers on like the theory of endless sounds.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


I would never choose to be at the front line of surging hearts,
That is Emotional Suicide.

So the line has to be drawn,
Between the types of love known.

Here is a sketch:
No capital letters when addressing me i.e SWEETHEART
No fullstops that begin,instead of end sentences i.e B.A.B.Y.
No shades of pencils that sting the eye and tease the mind i.e HoNeY.

Frame the relationship with non-philic emotions.
The language and tonal effects must reflect the defined love between us.
That non-intimate,unplayed,non-stimulated,zero rated kind of love.

Where Friendship means,free ends in a ship.
That journey together yet,inter-dependent during the voyage of life hence never engage in that dreaded Erotic Love Battle.

The line must be drawn,on land.
It must be defined in the air,
And certified in water.
Your my sister,
I'm your brother.
That is the boundary we have created.

Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


We have heard of matters,
Read of passions,
Know of emotions.

Words for the soul,
That should smoke it all out.

Fumigate the hate and despair.
Brought by my weaknesses,
Pumped by my unlived promises.

Sorry for letting you inhale my conditional love,
I was imitating my fantasies,
I treated love like ripe strawberries,
Your heart always my meal,
Unfair mental cannibalism.
I messed up your time,
Wasting this and that.
Lying and killing truth,day in,days far.

You feel the pain when you ponder in flames of anger.

But calm down,
Listen to my apology,
I never studied psychology nor sociology,
I do not know much about mentality,
And I accept I'm no good in relationships.
Excuse is not my exit.

Yet I understand the connection of your mind to your heart.
It hurts me to know I'm the broken bridge in between.
I govern your walk above the waters of sorrow.
I suspend your anxiety and define your fear of moving on.

How can I repair your heart and provide you a permanent pathway, 

to restore your peace of mind and will to love again?

Should I call on the angel of death to rip my soul?
So that I vanish from your eyes,
And your soul searching can resume,
Without me on the surface.

Cry no more,
Bleed no more,
Feel me no more,
Grow into someone new.

To the hearts and souls devastated because of human love.
Sorry for the mirage we portrait at the start.

M.O.O aka C.E

LIGHT WORDS in water

This story is a sequence,
It is about you,
So I fearsomely spill the secrets,
Day time color of the sky...

Summer in January,
Our beginning was in December,
All that while I have not seen a romantic rainbow,
Cupid lost his bow and arrow,

A new Love-god is present.
She unlike cupid,is liquid,
Splashing molecules of love over my colorless mirror,
She makes my heart and mind transparent,
So I fear you can see my reflections,through my wet retina.

As you dive into,
As my eyes follow,
When bubbles emerge,
When your ears block out my sound waves,
That vibrate from vine veins,pursuing your inner half..

Out of reach.

Your deep inside,his pool
That pulls you to the bottom,in a top way,
That my voice cannot interchange,
Water in flames.

Drops from the mild impact,
Stroke my face,
Seeking to mock my skin,
Teasing my seduced creativity,
My words go for swirl spins,
I shut my eyes,
No darkness within...

Alas! I see a misconceived brightness,sky-blue hue
I smile,

For your happier now,
Mystical goddess-Lipid,knows how to protect your soul,
She brought you to a real dream where,
Your beauty mixes with the most vital need for mankind,
And,he is that man who owns your,liquidated

My words are freezing,

Cubicles of surrender forming in my throat,
Ice,placed in water.

Will I melt into your skin,
Once my dreams colorfully defrost?

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


My mind thinks,before I speak.
Your mind leaps to find leaks,
Holes in my heart-written sentences,
Transparency files from your analysis.

Too good to be true,
That's what I am to you.

When I say,insane things that sound silly and folly,
I miss you,
I feel empty,
(When your not by my side)
I adore your beauty,
I anticipate to hold you close,
(When I can see you in pictures)

Presuming that you too see more than just my image,
Surreal object.

Hoping that what you reflect and connect to my voice,
Is more than a simple trickster,
A rue-some tongue twisting love spinster,
If only the heart in action had more than one way of saying what it desires,
Or how it describes fiery butterflies,
Or how it explains the scenic love points of plains of sincerity,

If only it could change...
Its style of dissemination,
Ensure my words are purified to fit your decoding systems,
To find filtered truth in my expressions of,
Unjustified Poetic Crimes,

Then my fair lady,
All would not mean nothing to you.

Each word,every letter would captivate your mind,
Disabling your judgmental conscience,
Making you treat my paragraphs,swallowed in stanzas,as
Nothing less than the truth.

That may never be,as you know me in a different way,

Contrastingly to how I see and hear myself,
So I accept your take on my stiff words,
All my statements beneath the clouds,

Vaporized instantly by your blazing line,
The line that discontinues my piece,

Elusive peace.

Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


I may never know the pain your mother felt,
During delivery.
I might never experience the joy she felt,
Upon seeing you,for the first time.
I may have never been there during your suckling days,
As she natured you.
I may never really know how it feels like to be your mother,
Or understand her love for you.

To you this I say,
Your the most lovely child she will ever have,
For nothing will change the order of love from parent to child,
In this life-time.
Life is complete for her when you smile and sleep soundly,
When she watches you grow daily into a good girl,
Through those baby steps.

It's your mothers gratitude to God,
When she hears you say those first words,
And when she listens to you whisper goodnight to your calling boyfriend,
Yes time moves pretty fast.

So you should know childhood never lasts,like smoke.
But as you grow older remember her love towards you,little girl,
Will never diminish instead,multiply as days go by.

As she kisses you goodnight and tells you good morning with her secret glowing eyes,
I repeat in change,she loves you most and nothing will ever change that little baby.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


She heard him whisper something unmakeable,
As he walked away into silent dome,
In a flash the chrome switched from red to grey,
Her voice too was slain,
Nothing was said,pain constantly sucked into her heart.

Whilst he,
Murmured far from her keen ears.
Several months ago,he talked clearly,
She understood him perfectly,then now its different.
He hardly speaks to mean much.
Feels like unbound love spirits roaming in an empty church,
No faith can reel nor heal it back into existence like before,
When distance between them was measured in steps on tiled floors.

Current Stealth Steps,
She makes away from him,
I listen to her quivering voice get thinner,
She calls it,"letting go of what could have been".
If only he could hear her drumming heart,explode signals of the end...

He would smash that silence iceberg within his mind,
Warm his thoughts and rekindle that emotion,
Restore the sonorous beats of affection he once had towards her,
Make those beautiful noises that lured her from meekness to valor,
Bind himself to her like lifelong lovers do.

To her;
Speak in love quotes,
Sing in love notes,
Touch in love fingers,
Feel love linger,
Taste in love buds,
Swallow in love churns.

To both;
Remember love is talkative,
And only you two can make it silently loud.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


Only time can kill distance,
We can change very little
Love's relation to life is brittle
Speed at which it moves lessens the chances,
Of finding alien habitable comfort zones
Where we can lay our heads and feel at home,
For that reason I wrote you a poem
Tried to rhyme the least so that you would wonder if that word was really intended for that line,
Perhaps you had not noticed but its fine.

My point is that exactly,
I am ever confused and lost.
Ghosts of multi-directions sway me from here to there.
As if I'm always searching for a spiritual mineral.
Something rare and unusual,

Naturally we argue about what's fair and what's not.
During such moments we twist time into disillusioned knots,

So I set off further from the epicenter.
Attempting to locate your concealed heart,
Note,my kind of love is not blind,
I see beyond the normal and when I finally find.
The confusing contradiction of place and time,
Stops. For unearthing every cell of beauty within you,
Culminates,to transform this and that into only one thing,
Hard to find kind of it.

That makes the bells of the heavens ring,
And birds unknown of the amazon whistle in rejoinder,
Causing the poetic flowers of Nigeria bow to the magnificence of your rare kind of heart.
One,articulated yet silent meshed to your good soul.
It itches to burst across the remaining African scenic sites.

Before it does,
In the nick of unmeasured sweet time,

Can I ask for a favor?
Come with me,
Play with me,
Make and break with me,
Eat and drink with me,
Cry and laugh next to me,
As I journey in your land of love from home.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


Can all those measures of time exist in the;

My bride's eyes are blurred by a uniquely designed veil,
Blinded from what she has seen before,
My obscured face is open,she stares searching,
For seconds...

That led to the minutes it took me to gather courage,
Trickling us into hours down the aisle heading towards the altarpiece.
Days on we push a baby in a pram,
Months later the second child comes,
In a few years we,are grandparents.

Time moves so fast,
Dust remains dust,
Rain retains its drop procedure.
The sun gets harsher against nature,
The stars in the night sky become fewer.

Our hearts grew fonder,
Our minds explore intelligence more,
As we make lesser friends,
Our backs bend lower,
Wisdom befalls us equally.

Love looses its grip on time,
The veil is no longer captivating,
Moments at this age define some eerie undiscovered emotions.
That surpasses the fourteenth celebration,which means nothing to us now.

We focus on spending the little time we have in this journey,
Loving other people more than ourselves,
But always recalling where it all began;
On the timeless unlimited,sign-less love road.

Now that our voices are old and eyes penetrating as diamonds splitting light,
Can we say tomorrow is as good as today or vice versa?
Since I feel betrayed by time and to you it is ever loyal,

For young is good...

Aging is bad...
Time is glad.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


A flame is either yellow or blue.
Both illuminate the dark and usher light.
Our days are white,
Her face ever bright,
Powered by attitude and might.

Synthesized into her soul and heart.

Darkness has been burnt.

Her graceful gait is cirrus high,
Her footprints,color the surface pink.
Her sea-blue eyes paint a perfect picture,
Her deepest desire is pure love,no blemish.

She knows what she wants,
Her needs hardly govern aspects of her lifestyle.
When conflicting emotions prance across her thoughts,
You will hear,a sonorous calm voice sing away the sorrow.
You will watch her,find refuge in abandoned video clips.
You will find her,smiling at the stored text messages from courtship days.

I adore this foreign love in my frame,
She can tell it too so she intensifys the seduction.
More make-up,less cover clothes,less talk,sensual attraction on a nine-nine.

I find myself blushing...
Oops! That's unmanly.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

beyond MY reach

Not pointing fingers,
Tears from my brain,
Have flown into my eyes.
I will not blink,it would be embarrassing.
I just stare and assume what I deduce,to be nearest to the truth.

I incompletely match your thoughts.

The more days roll,
The higher we fall,up then down,
Far from each-other.
At some point feels like you are controlling destiny.
As I,the fool in love,watch helplessly.

I fail to meet your wishes.

Mediums we gladly swim in.
Your chin raised high above my head,
All I see,is your glorious neck,
Red lip-gloss glittering for occasions I never attend.
I try to play pretend,
Ooh! You shamelessly fall into the game,
Wild heart turned tame. my flaming heart.
Is the burn beyond your reach?

I know my radiating feelings do not move your thinking.
I'm forced to conclude your mind is made up,
You now know what you want.
Certainly not a blunt pen-knife,
Rather a sharpened double edged sword.
One edge...speaks silently,
The other...whispers loudly.

I cannot touch your heart and soul.

The serious joke about it all is,
You have performed the first cut before.
It was deep but I healed it using understanding and patience,
As you spoke,I listened in between your words,
Whilst you cut and inflicted reasons attached to lessons.

On the other blade,
I experienced whispers of conflicting emotions,brushing against preset fate,
Where the less you said...
You know what comes next.
Sadly I try to fix and you test me more,
Concepts misunderstood.

I pray,to reach you someday.

Though I already have in more than a thousand ways.
Blessed Monday.

M.O.O aka Carswell the forgotten heart.


Eti mapenzi ni uvumilivu?
Being loved is harder,
Lakini lina utamu na machungu,
You only feel it when you grow older,
Ndiyo maana nikanywa sumu,
That targets the core of my soul.

Swali ninalo ni waniona niliko?
Beneath the leaves of the table,
Pahala unapoketi kila mara ukiwaza swali lisilojibika,
Without committing your heart through risk and positivity,
Niliambiwa haifichiki nawe sijawahi kukuona uchi,
Yet I've undressed you illegally before,
Bila kibali cha ruhusa.

Hayo si muhimu kwa sasa,
Since to me your virginity still stands,
Shida ni,utanipenda lini ndiposa nikujue kiakili,
For me to touch your conscience every time you sleep,
Yaja yawe kuwepo ushikamano kati yetu kila usiku,
So that I learn all the mysteries of your behaviors,
Nikuchukue kama mchumba wangu bila hofu,
I drop all the galactic fascinations aloft your bedroom ceiling.

Siwezi sema kama utafurahia hayo,
For your kind of joy is ever hard to find.
Lakini najitolea kukupa mapenzi ya bure,
I pour my emotional soup into your mouth,
Ukinitema sawa,ukinimwaga sitazoleka,

At-least would now know that my specie of love is not for your genes.
Siwezi juta lakini.
No hard feelings.
Hamna la kusema wala,kufanya kwa sasa.
Dreams are had to be shattered.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


I may be lost in the galaxy of lust,but
I still have an atom of emotion,that
Can bombard sincere calm love,which
Then returns me to my original home,where
We first met and heard all hearts can say,when
Under the spells of beautiful confusion,such
A kind rare,serene,engulfing and sweet,much
Like paradise for romantic souls,for
Only two who know what it takes,to
Exist for each-other on air and in water,far
From the suffocating energy of despair,away
From the maddening sounds of discouragement.

I still dwell in your console,every
Moment that we depart,you
May never feel that but I know,how
Serious and important our connection is,I
Meditate upon the future it looks good,but
Not perfect nor easy just remember,though
Our souls are more than mates,they
Are spirits bound to a unique kind of haven,since
Time is the determinant for now,be
Patient and resilient for me.

I'm here at your call,
I shall not leave,
As the days fold in,
I stick harder,
Fuse more to you,
My comfort is here,
Where I will always belong...
In your arms and beneath your shadow.
Embrace me sweet-passionette.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


I heard it's worth a thousand words.
Just never specifies the moral condition of the moment.
I saw a picture of her ten years ago.
I fail to fathom how it came to us.

There,a torn apart soul,
Sombre eyes,
wild nails,
purple lips
... a .... not ... so ... attractive ... figure.
She was forgotten at eighteen,
No life can I see inside the image.

I stare at her now,
She rests on my bed partially asleep.
Her face happier wow,no scars
Eyes sparkle through,
Nails lovingly caress the pillow,
Her body,a perfect depiction of natured beauty,
I stammer not whence boasting her current splendor.

In this picture, I see other things that stab my heart,
A child in tattered clothes looking up to her face.
Though her eyes are fixed elsewhere onto someone else.

A man inside a sports car.
He smiles maliciously,mockingly and mercilessly.
I'm seeing the weather behind them,red-black clouds.

I look out my window,romantic sun setting.
The clouds streaming light onto the picture at hand.
I spot another unbelievable object,
A sticker spelling out her name on the car side,purple in color.
My thoughts rush,my heart breaks into strips of paths,
That her own life might have taken.
I uncover her from below,looking for something I don't actually know.

I find a scar of initials,
The very faint mark I magnify and confirm on the photo,
Her legs different,but the journey permanent.
I try to convince myself,
To shake off the throb in my heart.

This picture is lying to me,
We are not reincarnations of past souls.

Carswell evoL


Professional switch,
From a simple onlooker.
Into a looking forward to,kind of person.
Every day since we first kissed,
My soul blissfully searches,
For your ambient serenity, spread in the welkin.
Sky-reading secretive clouds,
Marking signs of unmatched loyalty.

As I peer into your vast beauty,
I feel warm inside.
"Descend closer,"I keep wishing,
As I adore your ebullient gait.

Drifts of magical changes,
Melodies of singing emotions.

As you transform into pink-red mist.

Surrounding my breath,engulfing my mind.
Creating humid affections heartily aloft.
All my sensors activate,
Ready,waiting to...

Welcome the drizzle.
I feel tickles of your mild touches,
Teasing my sensitive skin,
Almost like pins piercing,
Only that the pain is sweet,
Deep set into my system.
Drops of love wetting my deserted state.

Like a statue coming to life,
In a storm whence all scurry for shelter.
I walk on and on,drenching myself more,
I fear no gaping floors,see no caution signs,
All I feel is;
Liquidated love from your heart,
Burning painless larva of your deepest desires,
Flowing into my veins.
Meshing myself into a world of one climate for all,
Yet one weather for me.

I walk forever in this climax of constant excitement,
Underneath the springs of spontaneous torrents,
Ever soaked in romantic words from the chambers of temperate love,
Always dripping of your consuming prowess in captivating acts,
That render me weak.

I want to walk in this rain forever with you,
You as my rain.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


I feel sick and sad.
Stretching on my bed,
Struggling to let go of her,
I surmise it is good.
Can I live minus wholistic herbalism?

I recapture lost memories,
Little about me was jocund,
My words serious,not furious.
Eyes piercing,not frightening.

She knew what to say to change my tone,
Mastered how to technically tame my stare.

During ailing days,
Focus is wavy,
Often I,
Drift into dark soul thirsty dimensions,
So deep that gamma rays elude imagination.

She reels me back,
Using her sonorous voice,
More serene than unheard seaside,harp strums of David.
I revive,strength replenished
Feel different,someone else.

My spine between her legs,
Her child like feet,gentle toes,
My face cupped between her motherly palms,

(calming my nerves)

Life restored to an empty soul,
I surrender to her measured goals.

She came to heal,
She fell to save me from physical depravity,
Injected doses of love,
Stored in barrels untouched.

I love the taste tingling in my mouth.
Liquid love ratio; ONE : one

I equate it all back into her system.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL



I look complicated,
I call you simple sweet names,
I ask examinable questions,
I take your mind to trips of trivial pleasure,
I make you imagine of impossibilities,
I try to keep you smiling and happy,
I touch you using words heard maybe unheard,
I keep dragging you into emotion packed thoughts,
I keep talking to myself.


You always tend to be weary,
You fret to speak about your inner,
You bar your words into coded sounds,
You sleep when I least expect,
You ask what you pre-know,
You blend then camouflage instantaneously,
You cry in a tearless way sometimes,
You need it when I can hardly guess,
You desire to be free from love,
You enjoy all but one of the traits in...the loose me.


As you are,caring but never loving the un-chosen,
Talkative but ever minding what you say to me,
Kissing but in a friendly way,
Sketching us together then rapidly erasing,
Drowning inside yet floating above the sea of waves,
U-Turning whilst we need to go straight ahead into it,
Mind changing when you must make that critical decision,
Running away yet you should be nailed by my attraction,
Quibbling,instead of being tantalized,at the thought of us together,
Where I seek and you keep hiding from my deepest commandment.

I will love you this way,
In this format of loving one,who loves not the same as the lover expects.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


Nothing bothers me most,
Than a pessimistic heart.
I am one now,
So you should be uneasy.

I thought of waiting,
Giving you space to rethink.
Clearly that was a waste of time,
For you least value patience.

I see through your perceptions,
My inter-scope lands on a cold soul.
You feel no remorse,
Your hear nothing else other than your false intuition.

I keep observing slowly,
A curb-less bend approaches underlying issue.
Convincing decisions,
In what I say here and what I will do where.

The world is small,
I can't hide meaningless feelings.
You know better than me,
About how unfair it is to toy with love.

I read that emissary,
The punchline worth medical analysis.
"Wait for me I still love you,"
Prognosis was,"that's impossible."

If you can suspend emotions,
Is it not likely that you can erase them too?
Try to understand time,
We are in a journey that is dictated by fatalism.

Our end has come,
Tragedy has befallen our romantic spree.
No matter how long I wait,
A destined fact is forever masted,"We are done."

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


... ...
You taught me.
Recalling how it began...

I was running in loosened laces,
A race branded,"Open Truth."
I ignored scientific rules,
Allowed your principles to regulate my thoughts,
Every second represented by observable,"Fantastic Galaxies,"known.

In the sixth month you detached from the umbilical universe,
Your name was easy to pick.

In abstention,
From that point;
I fell inside your eyes,
Longed to taste your lips,
Itched for your embrace,
Collapsed at your humble feet,
Ten nine years later.

Became a slave to your dominion,
I pour desires daily,
Even when they least whet your emotions,
If I your reign subjugates me,
I shall seek the truth not,for
My submission is plain.

All I know is the other four stars in you are spectacular.
At this point you wonder what is the first star?

Sane love set inside your systematic magnetics.
Pulls of suppressed affection bounce out your voice,
Pools of what you fear to feel drown me already.

I cannot lie to myself,
I accept defeat in a war of peaceful hearts and minds.
I have lost the battle of pretense,
I stand audaciously and proclaim your gifts.
I am giving you a flying ovation,
That only actual celestial stars,undiscovered
Can contest and steal.

I revolve in your arms tonight.
As nature claps to the achievement of beauty unspoken.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


I took cyanide.
It is concentrated inside my heart.
And dripping upwards into my brain.

I see truth now.
Clearer than previous suspicions.
I never projected curiosity as a man insecure.

That was the first sip.
I assumed our relationship was like wine.
Somewhat maturing due to distance and space.
Assuring my mental that your loyalty was an antidote.
My conclusive assumptions are today my very,'Soft-killer,'drugs.

I am not in your shoe and never will be.
I look at things differently from obsessive perspectives.
I swallow truth as it is,not what it could be.
As my death nears and hell thirsts for my presence.

I say this to you.

You were made from my rib.
I repossessed the one I had given her and placed it in you.
I have taken it back spiritually now.
So,so that its physical fixation can always haunt your decision.
Your unforgivable step of replacing me with an imitation of what I was.

For once I compare.
Skin color and almost everything about him resembles me.
I just don't see feelings that replicate bolting desires.
I feel no passionate flares suspended above his head.

You could defend him.

This is my platform to tell you things I shouldn't.
I just have to since I'm dying anyway.

I warned you.
You thought your type of,'Love-loyalty,'was impenetrable.
He pierced into your shields.
His arrow tip,smeared with toxic 'Mind Change' venom.
Injected into your heart,spread onto your ribs,disintegrated the one I gave you and left it in fractures.

These very pieces of shattered bone.
I feel them in my mouth descending as my body gets numb.
Paralysis coming into sunrise.
Cold gripping my soul like a risen sinner.

I have no confessions.
My heart is squeezing out the love syrup you gave me before your departure.
My mind is intoxicated with raged solutions of dispatch and vanish.
I accept this fact of irrational love.
I have to die for him to live inside you.

This angst of torture I can endure no more.

I have a feeling you will not justify your actions.
Nor will you fathom my suicide.
May you transform him too into someone else's mimic.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


We both love music,so we do this like a lyric
Turn the lights off,move the furniture away
Take control of the floor space,as the furry surface feels our feet
Sink our minds in floating beats,drown our hearts inside electric trances
Let the beauty of dress,lure the naughty in me to take chances
As you choreograph and I follow,mastering every step

Suddenly perspiring.

I keep my cool,for the window is breezing in life
The moonlight blessing,night sun watching
Breathing out chemical winds,as our attraction is tested
The feeling is mutual,our hands lock as usual
We break into an irreversible connection,our bodies bond
Eyes engage in seductive mixes,I want it,you want it
Hold me tight over my neck,I grip you gently around your waist
Atomic distance between our lips,I hold it no further
I'm under the spell of music,we are about to loose it

Bound to get exciting.

Like some magical high frequency wave,I pull up your night dress
Like one Low frequency band,you pull down my night boxer
Skin to skin,two denuded dancers meshed under no lights
For once good exists in evil's atmosphere,does it fear?
We change the norms of music,we transform classical dance into something untamed


My tongue sings along,to the music of your senses
Your palms drum on,the spots of my skin
I scale of my reservations,you lay on the floor and invite me into
I hearken to the fusion you create,my systems overheat
I overload your echoes,now the void is filled with another kind of music
A type so sweet,the drum beats fade in its presence
I hear I dance,you make you take
We go to a world of music so rare,no light dares to peek


Our bond strengthens,no judge speaks
We do it so fast,the drum pad veers off synchronization
Technical words accompany the temporal strokes,shouts and screams
I urge your technique to the edge,you call on me to go with you
Yes,(no),we go so far into the musical world we forget the words
Eardrums rapture to the good,the floor is fractured by our moves
We retract thus recollect,I embrace your breath
We now recite a French poem together,that was one sturdy dome

Our own composition.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


Love knows all limits,
This kind identifies clearly the optimum level of her heart.

Love can unearth the deepest untold stories,
My type speaks like moving air and tells truth.

Our meeting was coincidental.
Almost like someone had set us up on,'Discovery Path'.
Our palms played shake.
After we talked,minutes seemed more like days,
Sun phased from morning to noon,
Like light in good,I felt comfortable around her,
Thus familiarity of gold was mined.

I could suddenly predict her verbal speech,
Completing sentences began by her eye language.
I noticed so many things about her natural,
I touched her floral splendor, using botanical words.
Dissected her mental without her knowledge,
Pushed it to the hedge when we embraced and almost fell backwards.

Somehow her physical could not resist my demurring charms.
I had plans,warm sleeves of making her understand the content of my breath.
Yes! I gusted emotion-filled love across her face,
I just doubt if she felt it despite her internal blush.

That sweet swirl...
Made me think about this and that,
Nuts and nuts,chew and tighten,
I have and I loosen my vocals.
I am and I'm swallowing my fear.
She must know how I feel and judge if its real.

For I now know her silent secret,
And she too is aware of the vital information it contains.
I dare her to confess it before I let it loose in Paris.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


We were within your bedroom walls.
My personality confined in a monopoly block.
With every roll of words you diced,my heart raced.
The gallant pace set by your marble-gorgeous eyes,
Placed me in an anxious stroke tempting bungee spring.

Permissibly I ogled while you sat on your velvet sheets,
Green nightdress,tantalizing complexion from toe to neck.
My mumbles tongued out like pellucid words inside my head.
As you instructed with your sonorous voice, I reacted like a guilty child found licking honey...slowly...walked.

I finally got to the edge of your bed; our feet touched,
An electric wave of impossibility streamed into my system,
Possible lights switched on in my eyeballs.

I immersed my fingers into your scented hair.
Electronic analysis I did of your rare facial specifics.
You wield a deep enough, endangered;

'Dimple sweetora'

So distinct and beautiful,
Perfectly impressed into your cheeks,
My thumb couldn't resist to feel the soft dent of creation,on the most supple skin.
I kissed your forehead,pecked your other cheek,
Then smothered your dimple as if attempting to reverse the natural state.
I fell into your dimple in an imaginary way,
Landed on your heart in reality.
What a dimple this be,simple in the external infectious internally.

I seek to find you whence I return,
When you call me back to terrorize your tempting beauty,
Using these words and molding with my printing finger tips.
Tell me when your ready for more.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


LOVE is no game,
WE played with emotions compressed into physical expressions.
I would kiss and touch you,
GO as far as explore your inner purity.
ASSUMING that you were in love with him,
THINKING that I was just a convenient heart for you in his absence.

WE really toyed with feelings,
NOT knowing what we were brewing inside.
AFFECTION was boiling beneath your chest,
NEVER realized the intensity from the exterior.
YOU never showed me the bubbles of love,
FORMED by my constant loving and deep drowning.

EACH time I had you beneath my spell,
TRIED searching for what was missing inside the reflections in your eyes.
THEY were always shut I couldn't find much just vibes of the tremor in your voice,
SORT of shiver that emanates from a frightened child.
SADLY still I was tricked out of noticing how far I was taking you.

ARRIVING at this moment where you shed tears,
TELLING me how much it hurts to know me the other way round.
WHEN I make out with her,and care for her like I did and still do for you,
POINTEDLY to the extent of offending you without marking my errors.

EXTENSIVELY mounting anger and disgust in your mind brim-full,
UP TO where you cannot kiss nor give in to my sweet sensation.

IT hurts me too,to know that I caused your unhappiness,
PLEASE forgive me for those big mistakes I made without awareness.

DON'T stress anymore on those issues,
SMILE once more and love me in that special way without pain nor displeasure.
THIS time though speak your mind before making decisions that render me hopeless.
DID you ever realize that I too was lost in our world of love and love the other weather conditions?

Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


I have been sketching silly things on my notebook.
My teacher thinks its pathetic,
Well I believe its worth it.
So I use a home made stencil to maintain originality.

Unsteady lines that join to create heart shapes.
I tend to avoid erasing natural imperfections caused by a father's trembling hands.
The curve cut out,carefully,by mother that joins to the other bump,makes me smile.
For a while I'm stuck in this mindless stupor of imaginary visions.

Hyperbolic speech slowly trickles to the tip of my tongue,
My saliva forms icicles of artistic pigments unseen.
My teacher stares as I concentrate,salivating on my jotter book.
She slaps my back as if attempting to achieve something.
I mean how can frozen words mixed with stolen thoughts wet her precious desk?

I break the icy extension and draw an arrow like line across the heart shape,
It transcends the lead,melts the drawing turns it red and brings it to life.
The paper flys away energized as if or was it?
Driven by or self levitated by the content of the chilling touch?
It flew past the class window....just drifted yonder...
Years later landed.

Perched on your laps that have always been parallel,
Never intersected to meet lines drawn by other genres of music.
I take this honor of tri-squaring your feelings into my notes of drama.

Listen and watch as our lines coincide in this moment.
Study the brush and monitor my pencil as my architectural side takes over.
As you and I combine to create angles unnamed by physicists.

Mozart could simply call it,
LoveLine of Coincidence.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


For my own reasons; I fail to understand you.
I score less than zero when it comes to defining your heart,
I achieve nothing reasonable when I attempt to decipher your speech.
You think before you ever feel and speak before I concentrate to listen.

Where does the problem arise...?

Is it the slumber relentlessly blown into my eyes,
That keeps me dazed and hides reality from my face?
I always run on a trackless circle,chasing after your attention...
Shouting silently unto you to look back and remember,
Those lonely days when we slept together.
The memorable nights where you lay on my chest,
And our dreams meshed up into one.

A dream so unique we both felt conscious inside it.
We were bound by oaths of allegiance,
Tied by tangible ropes of white clouds,
Attached inseparably in the physical,none could detach our intersects.

I woke up and sold those dreams.
When I heard you bid the beauty of it all at an auction.
Your whispers of silence,
Blinding looks of the other aspect,
Your arrogant ignorance of my value,
Demeaning references to my allegations,
Scalding coldness poured over my head by you.

I finally woke up,
It took me time to come to terms with the forwarded facts.
Its my moment to rescind absurdity,
I am born again,not in spirit,at thought.

My dear ambition and all hope,
I say farewell.
To you I am dead and buried in the sea.
Hope I will return as a flood to haunt your dreams,
Whilst you sleep,some night from today.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


It has been coming,
I have been feeling it,
So strong,patiently waited,
I see what it is now in reality.

This is what real rain feels like,
At day when it showers.
Us underneath this,
We begin with a frictional kiss.
Arms around your waist,
Emotion trapped in a heist.

We touch,the clouds watch.
I will leave soon.
Before your blue full moon drops,
Your tears won't stop.
We shall end up in imagination,
Wind ourselves in creations fit for our minds alone.

We shall go blind,
We are far behind...
The raindrops shut my eyes,
Valediction so far we can't hear our hearts cry.

I lift you up,mid-air rise,
The sun feels betrayed...
Your legs wrapped around my cubes,
This kind of moment beyond natures control it so proves...
I feel your tremble assembled by the gentle lightening flashes,
Thunder crushes my words my heart pumps,
Invisible blood into your system.

You keep sliding down,
Effortlessly slipping off my grip.
We have been suspended in this scene for a while now.
Phloem and xylem hosts swaying to our connection at this point.

The world is watching our love that resembles fairies.
Sweet songs replay in our midst...
Favourite tunes are they?
Prayers you recite for my journey to be safe,
Flood gates open but form a centred gyration above us.

The cool water,
Dripping over our skins.
I feel wells of affection stream,
So deep into my largest artery.
Your intrinsicaly beautiful I can see yee through my eye-lids...
Your splendor so bright I see you as an angel's descent.

This is us.
Will our love last?
Will you learn to live without me,
When it ceases to rain anymore?

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


Power off,
Power on,
Safety is a feeling,
Danger is the deed,
I wonder what this is here?
Is it love or a replica of it?

Daily prayers,
Confusion between day and night,
Is there someone I forgot to mention in it,
Split decisions must be made,
We must go separate ways...

Those were stanzas I wrote long ago when I began to sense,
When my instinct time-traveled to this future.
Nature in contortion...
Call it grotesque beautified.

I am a slave to creativity...

To the most complicated intelligent form of creation.
I enslaved to servitude,
Look at my attitude worsen,
This is your way of rippling out the true price of loyalty.

I plead for your attention like a pauper asking for a legal hearing,
I beg for your words to soothe my wounds of struggle like a soldier nursing a bullet hole,
I seek your face like some believer searching for what (s)he disbelieves,
I cry unto your love at length displayed like a servant trying too hard to be loved by a wealthy master.

Well this is my fate,
I put myself in this awkward position.
I licked poison...
Now I'm bound to infections that sore my heart.
No sleep hour comes before I ponder upon where we came from.
I wink not to the fortieth blink before I recreate in the mental of all the not so fantastic moments.

Trust my palms chained to the cemented hooks on your heart's walls,
They are ineffective,no touch no guide,no result
My eyes cursed to watch you grow up beyond me
My breath siphoned to condition your soul rendering my spirit purposeless.

I call onto cupid's arrow to lacerate my larynx
Take me away further into your deserted world
Torture me until I die.
I be forgotten,not by them
But by you the Queen of Hearts.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


Literary attraction,starting point.
Broken bonds,affixed connections.
Library of thoughts,page of affectionate thesis.

The question was asked,she looked away.
She popped like,about to say something.
Vocals restrained,mind play commenced.

Was she trying to excavate,or bury something else,
Is this how question, answered question repeatedly,
Will she keep doing this,as roots and palms dry?

He gazed upon the lake from hill,a picturesque drill
Shadows in the water waves flowing,gyrating hawks above
The shore had nothing,other than sore pores of sand

Emptiness was the matter between,him and her on set
He derived more from silent statement,finding no solution in the very words kept
Time reflected like ages back decades to come,blank stares into her wild eyes he did.

Impatience was brewing,would he get drunk
Would he fault and explode,make her ran for safety
How much longer would he swallow,chunks of ignorance?

She almost read his mind,opened her mouth to speak,
All she spit were mimics,those exact words she had said to them all before,
"Maybe,I do not know,I think so,it deepends."

He walked away from the water site,straight into soft fire
The kind of bravery he exuded,even wisdom questioned,
"What kind of MAN is he?"

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


I never knew the contrast between purity and mixture,
Dilution and concentrate always tasted the same,
Until I met her and learnt the line between real and mirage.

I then crossed over to find the story behind comparison and similitude.

A piece that shatters ego into pieces,
Came to life on this side of reality,
After our journey culminated upon her and I reaching the start of our destination.

She was telling me about the gap between us,
Who created it and queried why I let it widen,
I for a moment got lost in my very findings,
I was too unhappy to at least calm her myself,

I pulled down a curtain painted,
'The Other Woman.'

I told her,about this feline who got me in a vulnerable state,
Her demands sent me round senselessly,supplies of lusty curves.
I gave up dignity,picked stupidity dragged my name on dirt road.

Days later months,infatuation faded
I cup reverberations of that other woman's scent,attached to enticing voice of death
Traps I hear but pledge not to follow,refilling my hollow.

My strategy is to revamp lost glory,
To bring back life and hope between us,can you row with me
Can we pour all the love-sap into our petals of today?

Forget the woman sent by distraction come destruction.

My only woman is you,
The one who knows tolerance,patience and unity.
Perfect soul-mate,who knows how to give it out completely.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

Wednesday 22 May 2013



My life was that way,every time i deep sat,
Drinking wine bottle after bottle,switching
To coffee in the morning.
Wondering,why? you really left.
Behind you the door slammed,echoing valedictions of unknown returns.

Quicksand more like slow sand to me,sinking
My heart was submersing in a lonely swamp.
Waiting,patience that i once wielded during courtship abetted.

Now and then.
There and here.
Two points encircled.
My gyration in confusion,shall fuse you back to your senses.

By Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


She allows him to kiss and stroke her sensual pores.
Lets him talk naughtily and hastily whilst she whispers," no" in her heart that sores.
Accepts gift from his good-ill hands of sinister motives.
Simultaneously reshuffling all she ever got from the,real other,treasured in her archives.

Her heart and conscience repeatedly choke her.

He simmers under her electric tongue and gentle illegal palms.
Within his soul no qualms.
He pleasure in her wet surfaces wiping away every sensitive hormone.
That's why the, true,one seldom tastes his bone.
Look,no trace of tentative demeanor nor sorry.
He does it sequentially with no worry.

The judge of truth,at last uproots the two thorny flowers.

By M.O.O aka C.E

Monday 13 May 2013


God sent she is
Obviously from angelic wings
Lined with love and care
Designed to protect
Eaves of passionate guidance
None like her.

Master of growth control.
Overall when it comes to loving.
Tender in ways unfathomable.
Heat emitting in cold days.
Everlasting affections she portrays.
Realism of humanity that's in her.

by Moses O. O.


Into your hands, I was delivered.
Through hard days, brought me up.
ALL dote and care, on me you poured.
Indeed you deserve , an obsessional clap.

Intransigent I was, yet you held on.
Extirpation my hobby, still you assumed.
Wordy my tongue, endlessly fell upon
your ears but again, never fumed.

My stomach to it aliment you gave.
The dry throat, with liquid quenched.
Clothes to ascertain provided i was dressed.
Diverted finances to my schooling,you squeezed.

My life of vagabondage, with you're home
Stopped it. bringing much hope.
A laborious duty, expelled with strength.
Your energy of mind, immeasurable to a storms'.

By Moses O.O


We should take things seriously,
Especially this issue of lassies.
Cause today its vividly,
Not a story of fairies.
The level of vulnerability
In adults, teens and babies,
In the hands of men of hidden neferity,
Must be our firstest of worries.
My plight to save humanity.

When you see a woman.moody.
Stop and ask, what troubles her.
When you spot a teens eyes watery,
Inquire if she was last nights dinner.
Notice your baby suddenly underbelly sickly,
Check, if you left a beast with her.
But not as an act of curiosity,
Rather a generous act as a social planner.
Woman, girl and child future armory.

By M.O.O


 Like to like, 
Find to mind. 
Love to love, 
Hurt to heart.


Days ago she knew no man.

Seconds later desire still burns.

Only conversed with him, six days.

Now what she has to say...

His my prince. in shinning armor

Only knight in my lovely drama.

Love so pure and sweet, he gives.

In me he so definitely lives.

She is nauseating feverish,

And goes," I really wish" .

This the prize she gets.

From thee man, she once met.

Nothing to remember any more.

Once beautiful feet , now sore

Six months flew so fast.

Onto the eighth, comes her first.

by Moses O.O


Was to find a woman i could love intensely,and i did.
Is to give her my heart and unconditional love,so i do.
Is to never forget anythingshe did for me,so i wont.
Is to relive my journey through her heart again,so i will.

Even though she says,"This is what you have always wanted."

Broken gourd.

By M.O.O aka Carswell.... lovE no more


Femaliarity,isn't a word,
I'm female so I make the easy look hard.
I do that because you left me in awe,
By acting cold, I've branded you,'Best Foe.'

That's the first thing I did.
Now to forget about it I do enigmatic deeds.
Revisit our special place of affection under the sunset.
Recall the hugging and sweet talk, the pain makes me not fret.
I'm erasing those moments,
Changing the millions to cents.
I'm painting you worthless,
For you,permanently, I wrap my dress.

I'm doing that so that you never see where you came from,again.
I don't care if you care about the pleasure or pain.

The last thing I'll do is to let you be,
The first was reconciling with the old me.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


The title is an ad-nausea cliche.
To those who take breath for granted.
And tend to undervalue time borrowed from the eternal clock.

I'll open my FILE:
I liked this girl,
She loved me back.
My likes began to twirl,
My heart was thrown in the pack,
I was ticking eying the equatorial try-angle,
The mystery was could she handle?
I persuaded her to let me touch,
The physical pressure made her ouch!

Instinctively i retreated,forgot about it and left the, "lust-valley".

Fun it was but i regret doing that to her,
Forgive me for not extinguishing the fire.
I did cause i selfishly felt,
My existence in moments would melt.
Enough with self pity.
Am getting verbal dirty.

You loved me for me,
Yet treated me in ways that aint BE,
Good or fair,
You just didn't care.

Served me silent air in a chilled crystal bottle,
Simmered my adoration under quick sand spindles.
Spat at the mention of my name,
Sworethings would never be the same.
Oblivious of how long words reveberate,
Yet the sayers quickly evaporate.

Life is'nt short,
its simply shortened,
by excess unnecesarry thoughts.
Men and women have.

By.moses otieno onyango aka C.E


Ambition and effort.
The two drives in him.
As he covets for a VIP escort.
He knows the world's smile is ever grim.
Armed with a success revolver peaceably steps on a love mine.
Spasmly,present defenses collapse as focus goes wayward.
The lad-man switches from spirit to wine.
He can't continue with it so he changes guard.

Strips naked the future romance and pulls it to her current stupefied face.
Notifying her,that he has grown too fast,so he must recede.
She wonders why the sudden halt in a once thrilling chase?
His heart is releaved of greed.

He tells her,to wait for him to make enough money,
To buy a better future for them through work.
Question is,then shall she prefer milk or honey?
Sooner than soon,a silver spoon becomes a golden fork.

By Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


Women,ladies,girl child.

To cataclimise love,spoil them with affection.
Show them valor and ever flowing tough hardheartedness.
Make that lassy understand and be part of the land and cattle you have.
Take her away by action of protecting her from predators.

We laugh at the world that said that.We want them,classy ones.
We know,to own their hearts we must get them stones.
Lovely valuable cuts of minerals.
Exported carbonized rocks that ostentate them from the rest.

We cry to the modern world that has changed things.

They only want ornaments that lust-rate wealth and power.
Expect to sit on leather,so far,sets.
The women unanimously crave to loco-mote in private wheels.

Our wallets only bleed and scent poverty.
Public appeal to the modern law of love.
"Rescind this civil order."

By M.O.O aka C.E

Monday 22 April 2013


You and I existed in everyone sentence.
Our acts of passion, written within
Brackets of uncompressed love.
Since the ink of time, ran out.
Before we could become a story.

Memorabilia still unfolds.
Inside my soul that’s turning into gold.
As recalls of how, we spoke.
Sonorous, winds swept jokes.
That revolved in distant voices.

Unexpected happens, take off.
Its all fine, struggles to be on top.
By expressing affection here, yours asunder.
You vanished, temporarily or forever? I wonder.
I’m trapped in time, whom to write
Our story and set it free as a kite?

Another international, unrated or graded
Osculation to you. For the golden silence.
That I shan't misquote.
Upon its reaching, totally faded

Us is a gone chance.
My heart entangled, eternally in a knot.

carswell evole aka m.o.o


She has been born to a mother and into a family.
Being raised through tough and unpredictable events.
Learning how to survive and discern between good and best.
She waits for the one.

He was brought forth a little early.
By then he was accustomed to staying in make-shift-tents.
Hence why he knows chances are not everyday tests.
So with her he did what ought to be done.

They solved the christian equation that challenges tradition.

Adoring their union as they narrate to each-other early life,
How he prides on saying to his friends,My Wife.
How confidently,with relevance,she mentions her husband.
So this is what for them time had planned?

humility and wisdom.
Brought the two into one ultimate Holy Kingdom.

M.O.O aka still the only one.

Thursday 18 April 2013


Two kinds of hearts, one that loves(man)
the other that loves loves(woman)

L.L is original in every trace of its making,
Sincere,honest and almost unconditional.
Does motherhood instilled in them make them that way?

L.a mans favorite word,as Generic as they say it.
Mostly unconvincing,full of viruses and sadly unfulfilling after a while.
Does their forsaking image likeness reflect them that way?

Generic love vs Original love love.

  Who shall reign supreme?

By M.O.O aka Carswell Evol


When i share my hopes and ambitions,she gives me a derisory laugh.
Her dereliction,as my better half,of supporting my strides,worry's me.

Not fulfilling her desiderata of comfort,sinks my ego below the sand,drags my dreams against the sylvan of this island of dissatisfaction.

Money vindicates time from the poor.
That's a minatory statement from a deranged lover.
I'm not a derring-do in an animated dote story,am as real as the sole of a terrapin.

I descry your desiccated heart.
No more fear,no sympathy,zero tolerance.
Vicissitude of covalent romance is at threshold.

Your bolder than ever,saying wise things of truth that shake me.
I act tenaciously to keep us together,then you utter another tentative sentence.

I pause and remember,Responsibility is de rigueur in a family union.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

Sunday 7 April 2013


No question mark should precede my time.
No exclamation should startle your thoughts.
No apostrophe should suspend our feelings.A full stop must end the confusion.

Waves crush against the rocks,abetting,retreating from my grip!
How would you possibly grasp water?
The mystery gets worse,when at the horizon the ship's smoke is seen.

Time is,pause,play,slow and the 3D view of the-ship of love-in daylight is like a fading silhouette.

Your not here yet.

Sinking my feet under the wet sand,tuned from the heat of a steady sun.
I reckon,that sunset too is suspending itself.

So! This is how love,pends,when you wait for it at the wrong place?

Where water,earth and mankind converge.
How much longer shall we wait for Love to 'dock.'...

By Carswell E aka the unpunctuated patient

Thursday 4 April 2013


Its definition only, the spiritual bond knows.
Mine for you daily grows.
You may have loved him,
He may have loved you more,
But his matters not now.
Since mine for you presently, flows.
He may have done everything,
To make you happy, that you saw.
Today I’m doing all in my will,
To make you feel loved once more.
He may have bought and showed
You places and things beyond.
In my time under His blessings,
I too shall shower you with paradise.
My thoughts might seem vague.
But my heart suffers from love plague…
The only cure is time, patience
Love, endurance from you and I.
He can be part of it,
But on the side lines.

Ill be her second dad,
Even if it drives him mad.
He can kill me, I don’t care.
You’re worth dying for.
Answer this: if I cant live for my loved one?
Why would I die for my haters?
If I cant die for you and her,
Why live for my enemies?
 But he isn’t my fiend,
Since he never got you in plenty.
Like I have you today.
I love you so to say.
Don’t doubt my tongue
Or question my talented palms.

Fall in love with me,
All over again, every time
We kiss, hold and taste each other.

By MOO a.k.a Carswell Evol