Thursday 18 April 2013


When i share my hopes and ambitions,she gives me a derisory laugh.
Her dereliction,as my better half,of supporting my strides,worry's me.

Not fulfilling her desiderata of comfort,sinks my ego below the sand,drags my dreams against the sylvan of this island of dissatisfaction.

Money vindicates time from the poor.
That's a minatory statement from a deranged lover.
I'm not a derring-do in an animated dote story,am as real as the sole of a terrapin.

I descry your desiccated heart.
No more fear,no sympathy,zero tolerance.
Vicissitude of covalent romance is at threshold.

Your bolder than ever,saying wise things of truth that shake me.
I act tenaciously to keep us together,then you utter another tentative sentence.

I pause and remember,Responsibility is de rigueur in a family union.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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