Tuesday 6 May 2014


Professional switch,
From a simple onlooker.
Into a looking forward to,kind of person.
Every day since we first kissed,
My soul blissfully searches,
For your ambient serenity, spread in the welkin.
Sky-reading secretive clouds,
Marking signs of unmatched loyalty.

As I peer into your vast beauty,
I feel warm inside.
"Descend closer,"I keep wishing,
As I adore your ebullient gait.

Drifts of magical changes,
Melodies of singing emotions.

As you transform into pink-red mist.

Surrounding my breath,engulfing my mind.
Creating humid affections heartily aloft.
All my sensors activate,
Ready,waiting to...

Welcome the drizzle.
I feel tickles of your mild touches,
Teasing my sensitive skin,
Almost like pins piercing,
Only that the pain is sweet,
Deep set into my system.
Drops of love wetting my deserted state.

Like a statue coming to life,
In a storm whence all scurry for shelter.
I walk on and on,drenching myself more,
I fear no gaping floors,see no caution signs,
All I feel is;
Liquidated love from your heart,
Burning painless larva of your deepest desires,
Flowing into my veins.
Meshing myself into a world of one climate for all,
Yet one weather for me.

I walk forever in this climax of constant excitement,
Underneath the springs of spontaneous torrents,
Ever soaked in romantic words from the chambers of temperate love,
Always dripping of your consuming prowess in captivating acts,
That render me weak.

I want to walk in this rain forever with you,
You as my rain.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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