Tuesday 6 May 2014


Only time can kill distance,
We can change very little
Love's relation to life is brittle
Speed at which it moves lessens the chances,
Of finding alien habitable comfort zones
Where we can lay our heads and feel at home,
For that reason I wrote you a poem
Tried to rhyme the least so that you would wonder if that word was really intended for that line,
Perhaps you had not noticed but its fine.

My point is that exactly,
I am ever confused and lost.
Ghosts of multi-directions sway me from here to there.
As if I'm always searching for a spiritual mineral.
Something rare and unusual,

Naturally we argue about what's fair and what's not.
During such moments we twist time into disillusioned knots,

So I set off further from the epicenter.
Attempting to locate your concealed heart,
Note,my kind of love is not blind,
I see beyond the normal and when I finally find.
The confusing contradiction of place and time,
Stops. For unearthing every cell of beauty within you,
Culminates,to transform this and that into only one thing,
Hard to find kind of it.

That makes the bells of the heavens ring,
And birds unknown of the amazon whistle in rejoinder,
Causing the poetic flowers of Nigeria bow to the magnificence of your rare kind of heart.
One,articulated yet silent meshed to your good soul.
It itches to burst across the remaining African scenic sites.

Before it does,
In the nick of unmeasured sweet time,

Can I ask for a favor?
Come with me,
Play with me,
Make and break with me,
Eat and drink with me,
Cry and laugh next to me,
As I journey in your land of love from home.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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