Tuesday 6 May 2014


Is this how it should be like?
I constantly walk in the,labyrinth of your sweet heart.
Finding signs that lead to no major open road.
My unfeeling soul searches on.

The footpaths lead,at last to a familiar destination.
One governed by your,admirable pre-cautious trait.
I sit,you quench my thirst with your holy saliva.
I stand,you heighten my temperature with your anesthetic breath.
Confused enough,I lay down.
You beside me.

We touch.

We embrace.

Blend in love.

Become one.

Before it's done you vanish.
My comfortable dwelling place,swallowed by the sun.
The light I dread has shone.
A new day far from my lost dreams.
I remember it all,




Slip my palm beneath the pillow to find your necklace and perfumed scarf.
Sniff....it,as I relate its texture to that of your skin.
It lingers on like the theory of endless sounds.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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