Monday 13 May 2013


Women,ladies,girl child.

To cataclimise love,spoil them with affection.
Show them valor and ever flowing tough hardheartedness.
Make that lassy understand and be part of the land and cattle you have.
Take her away by action of protecting her from predators.

We laugh at the world that said that.We want them,classy ones.
We know,to own their hearts we must get them stones.
Lovely valuable cuts of minerals.
Exported carbonized rocks that ostentate them from the rest.

We cry to the modern world that has changed things.

They only want ornaments that lust-rate wealth and power.
Expect to sit on leather,so far,sets.
The women unanimously crave to loco-mote in private wheels.

Our wallets only bleed and scent poverty.
Public appeal to the modern law of love.
"Rescind this civil order."

By M.O.O aka C.E

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