Monday 13 May 2013


Ambition and effort.
The two drives in him.
As he covets for a VIP escort.
He knows the world's smile is ever grim.
Armed with a success revolver peaceably steps on a love mine.
Spasmly,present defenses collapse as focus goes wayward.
The lad-man switches from spirit to wine.
He can't continue with it so he changes guard.

Strips naked the future romance and pulls it to her current stupefied face.
Notifying her,that he has grown too fast,so he must recede.
She wonders why the sudden halt in a once thrilling chase?
His heart is releaved of greed.

He tells her,to wait for him to make enough money,
To buy a better future for them through work.
Question is,then shall she prefer milk or honey?
Sooner than soon,a silver spoon becomes a golden fork.

By Carswell evoL aka M.O.O

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