Tuesday 6 May 2014


I feel sick and sad.
Stretching on my bed,
Struggling to let go of her,
I surmise it is good.
Can I live minus wholistic herbalism?

I recapture lost memories,
Little about me was jocund,
My words serious,not furious.
Eyes piercing,not frightening.

She knew what to say to change my tone,
Mastered how to technically tame my stare.

During ailing days,
Focus is wavy,
Often I,
Drift into dark soul thirsty dimensions,
So deep that gamma rays elude imagination.

She reels me back,
Using her sonorous voice,
More serene than unheard seaside,harp strums of David.
I revive,strength replenished
Feel different,someone else.

My spine between her legs,
Her child like feet,gentle toes,
My face cupped between her motherly palms,

(calming my nerves)

Life restored to an empty soul,
I surrender to her measured goals.

She came to heal,
She fell to save me from physical depravity,
Injected doses of love,
Stored in barrels untouched.

I love the taste tingling in my mouth.
Liquid love ratio; ONE : one

I equate it all back into her system.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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