Tuesday 6 May 2014



I look complicated,
I call you simple sweet names,
I ask examinable questions,
I take your mind to trips of trivial pleasure,
I make you imagine of impossibilities,
I try to keep you smiling and happy,
I touch you using words heard maybe unheard,
I keep dragging you into emotion packed thoughts,
I keep talking about...you to myself.


You always tend to be weary,
You fret to speak about your inner,
You bar your words into coded sounds,
You sleep when I least expect,
You ask what you pre-know,
You blend then camouflage instantaneously,
You cry in a tearless way sometimes,
You need it when I can hardly guess,
You desire to be free from love,
You enjoy all but one of the traits in...the loose me.


As you are,caring but never loving the un-chosen,
Talkative but ever minding what you say to me,
Kissing but in a friendly way,
Sketching us together then rapidly erasing,
Drowning inside yet floating above the sea of waves,
U-Turning whilst we need to go straight ahead into it,
Mind changing when you must make that critical decision,
Running away yet you should be nailed by my attraction,
Quibbling,instead of being tantalized,at the thought of us together,
Where I seek and you keep hiding from my deepest commandment.

I will love you this way,
In this format of loving one,who loves not the same as the lover expects.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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