Tuesday 6 May 2014


I may never know the pain your mother felt,
During delivery.
I might never experience the joy she felt,
Upon seeing you,for the first time.
I may have never been there during your suckling days,
As she natured you.
I may never really know how it feels like to be your mother,
Or understand her love for you.

To you this I say,
Your the most lovely child she will ever have,
For nothing will change the order of love from parent to child,
In this life-time.
Life is complete for her when you smile and sleep soundly,
When she watches you grow daily into a good girl,
Through those baby steps.

It's your mothers gratitude to God,
When she hears you say those first words,
And when she listens to you whisper goodnight to your calling boyfriend,
Yes time moves pretty fast.

So you should know childhood never lasts,like smoke.
But as you grow older remember her love towards you,little girl,
Will never diminish instead,multiply as days go by.

As she kisses you goodnight and tells you good morning with her secret glowing eyes,
I repeat in change,she loves you most and nothing will ever change that little baby.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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