Tuesday 6 May 2014

beyond MY reach

Not pointing fingers,
Tears from my brain,
Have flown into my eyes.
I will not blink,it would be embarrassing.
I just stare and assume what I deduce,to be nearest to the truth.

I incompletely match your thoughts.

The more days roll,
The higher we fall,up then down,
Far from each-other.
At some point feels like you are controlling destiny.
As I,the fool in love,watch helplessly.

I fail to meet your wishes.

Mediums we gladly swim in.
Your chin raised high above my head,
All I see,is your glorious neck,
Red lip-gloss glittering for occasions I never attend.
I try to play pretend,
Ooh! You shamelessly fall into the game,
Wild heart turned tame.

Wait...here...hold my flaming heart.
Is the burn beyond your reach?

I know my radiating feelings do not move your thinking.
I'm forced to conclude your mind is made up,
You now know what you want.
Certainly not a blunt pen-knife,
Rather a sharpened double edged sword.
One edge...speaks silently,
The other...whispers loudly.

I cannot touch your heart and soul.

The serious joke about it all is,
You have performed the first cut before.
It was deep but I healed it using understanding and patience,
As you spoke,I listened in between your words,
Whilst you cut and inflicted reasons attached to lessons.

On the other blade,
I experienced whispers of conflicting emotions,brushing against preset fate,
Where the less you said...
You know what comes next.
Sadly I try to fix and you test me more,
Concepts misunderstood.

I pray,to reach you someday.

Though I already have in more than a thousand ways.
Blessed Monday.

M.O.O aka Carswell the forgotten heart.

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