Monday 13 May 2013


The title is an ad-nausea cliche.
To those who take breath for granted.
And tend to undervalue time borrowed from the eternal clock.

I'll open my FILE:
I liked this girl,
She loved me back.
My likes began to twirl,
My heart was thrown in the pack,
I was ticking eying the equatorial try-angle,
The mystery was could she handle?
I persuaded her to let me touch,
The physical pressure made her ouch!

Instinctively i retreated,forgot about it and left the, "lust-valley".

Fun it was but i regret doing that to her,
Forgive me for not extinguishing the fire.
I did cause i selfishly felt,
My existence in moments would melt.
Enough with self pity.
Am getting verbal dirty.

You loved me for me,
Yet treated me in ways that aint BE,
Good or fair,
You just didn't care.

Served me silent air in a chilled crystal bottle,
Simmered my adoration under quick sand spindles.
Spat at the mention of my name,
Sworethings would never be the same.
Oblivious of how long words reveberate,
Yet the sayers quickly evaporate.

Life is'nt short,
its simply shortened,
by excess unnecesarry thoughts.
Men and women have.

By.moses otieno onyango aka C.E

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