Tuesday 6 May 2014


My mind thinks,before I speak.
Your mind leaps to find leaks,
Holes in my heart-written sentences,
Transparency files from your analysis.

Too good to be true,
That's what I am to you.

When I say,insane things that sound silly and folly,
I miss you,
I feel empty,
(When your not by my side)
I adore your beauty,
I anticipate to hold you close,
(When I can see you in pictures)

Presuming that you too see more than just my image,
Surreal object.

Hoping that what you reflect and connect to my voice,
Is more than a simple trickster,
A rue-some tongue twisting love spinster,
If only the heart in action had more than one way of saying what it desires,
Or how it describes fiery butterflies,
Or how it explains the scenic love points of plains of sincerity,

If only it could change...
Its style of dissemination,
Ensure my words are purified to fit your decoding systems,
To find filtered truth in my expressions of,
Unjustified Poetic Crimes,

Then my fair lady,
All would not mean nothing to you.

Each word,every letter would captivate your mind,
Disabling your judgmental conscience,
Making you treat my paragraphs,swallowed in stanzas,as
Nothing less than the truth.

That may never be,as you know me in a different way,

Contrastingly to how I see and hear myself,
So I accept your take on my stiff words,
All my statements beneath the clouds,

Vaporized instantly by your blazing line,
The line that discontinues my piece,

Elusive peace.

Carswell evoL aka M.O.O

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