Tuesday 6 May 2014


Love knows all limits,
This kind identifies clearly the optimum level of her heart.

Love can unearth the deepest untold stories,
My type speaks like moving air and tells truth.

Our meeting was coincidental.
Almost like someone had set us up on,'Discovery Path'.
Our palms played shake.
After we talked,minutes seemed more like days,
Sun phased from morning to noon,
Like light in good,I felt comfortable around her,
Thus familiarity of gold was mined.

I could suddenly predict her verbal speech,
Completing sentences began by her eye language.
I noticed so many things about her natural,
I touched her floral splendor, using botanical words.
Dissected her mental without her knowledge,
Pushed it to the hedge when we embraced and almost fell backwards.

Somehow her physical could not resist my demurring charms.
I had plans,warm sleeves of making her understand the content of my breath.
Yes! I gusted emotion-filled love across her face,
I just doubt if she felt it despite her internal blush.

That sweet swirl...
Made me think about this and that,
Nuts and nuts,chew and tighten,
I have and I loosen my vocals.
I am and I'm swallowing my fear.
She must know how I feel and judge if its real.

For I now know her silent secret,
And she too is aware of the vital information it contains.
I dare her to confess it before I let it loose in Paris.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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