Tuesday 6 May 2014


It has been coming,
I have been feeling it,
So strong,patiently waited,
I see what it is now in reality.

This is what real rain feels like,
At day when it showers.
Us underneath this,
We begin with a frictional kiss.
Arms around your waist,
Emotion trapped in a heist.

We touch,the clouds watch.
I will leave soon.
Before your blue full moon drops,
Your tears won't stop.
We shall end up in imagination,
Wind ourselves in creations fit for our minds alone.

We shall go blind,
We are far behind...
The raindrops shut my eyes,
Valediction so far we can't hear our hearts cry.

I lift you up,mid-air rise,
The sun feels betrayed...
Your legs wrapped around my cubes,
This kind of moment beyond natures control it so proves...
I feel your tremble assembled by the gentle lightening flashes,
Thunder crushes my words my heart pumps,
Invisible blood into your system.

You keep sliding down,
Effortlessly slipping off my grip.
We have been suspended in this scene for a while now.
Phloem and xylem hosts swaying to our connection at this point.

The world is watching our love that resembles fairies.
Sweet songs replay in our midst...
Favourite tunes are they?
Prayers you recite for my journey to be safe,
Flood gates open but form a centred gyration above us.

The cool water,
Dripping over our skins.
I feel wells of affection stream,
So deep into my largest artery.
Your intrinsicaly beautiful I can see yee through my eye-lids...
Your splendor so bright I see you as an angel's descent.

This is us.
Will our love last?
Will you learn to live without me,
When it ceases to rain anymore?

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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