Saturday 17 May 2014


I ask where is beauty found?
A herds-boy's creation wields the answer to the mystery,
Nature begins to demystify the beholder's attraction.

As I sat and watched him stare at the transfiguring tree.

I derived more than their wings displayed,
Two different matches.
Water lines turned to,
Sky times of one voice.

The other being whistles.

The vibrant birds speak to the observer,
He concentrates hard enough to listen beyond their unified words.
Sleep could not disorient him,
Fear was far from evident,
Despite the possible message sang by the birds.

At that moment he felt the vibration inside.

The pink bird,confessed
The brown bird,addressed
So sure and careful were they while singing,
They never went off tune.
Calculated beats swifting with them,
Ascending,drop pitch
A momentous pause,...
to give him time to begin another move.

He hesitates,their body language transmitted via eye-contact.
So meditated,the boy could not notice.
Median point was reached,
They unable to breach the rules of courtesy.

Even to the eerie interested stranger,who for an instant was addled by their techniques.

They simply,in a marvelous way
Handled the day like expert queen birds,
Who knew what hurts and what makes one laugh,
An atmosphere of tough was made easy for once,
As they smiled at each-other.

The boy,just collected himself and made a prayer internally.

The birds flew away...

Leaving the observer's eyes fixed on the young man,
As he stole glances at them,
As if he had something new to say.
Then again,time had moved and the winds of wait were to impatient to halt for that.

The boy in the herd concluded,"Beauty Exists In Imprinted Moments."

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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