Tuesday 6 May 2014


She heard him whisper something unmakeable,
As he walked away into silent dome,
In a flash the chrome switched from red to grey,
Her voice too was slain,
Nothing was said,pain constantly sucked into her heart.

Whilst he,
Murmured far from her keen ears.
Several months ago,he talked clearly,
She understood him perfectly,then now its different.
He hardly speaks to mean much.
Feels like unbound love spirits roaming in an empty church,
No faith can reel nor heal it back into existence like before,
When distance between them was measured in steps on tiled floors.

Current Stealth Steps,
She makes away from him,
I listen to her quivering voice get thinner,
She calls it,"letting go of what could have been".
If only he could hear her drumming heart,explode signals of the end...

He would smash that silence iceberg within his mind,
Warm his thoughts and rekindle that emotion,
Restore the sonorous beats of affection he once had towards her,
Make those beautiful noises that lured her from meekness to valor,
Bind himself to her like lifelong lovers do.

To her;
Speak in love quotes,
Sing in love notes,
Touch in love fingers,
Feel love linger,
Taste in love buds,
Swallow in love churns.

To both;
Remember love is talkative,
And only you two can make it silently loud.

M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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