Wednesday 27 March 2013


It's been a while since i let you know how i feel about you.
I'm erasing that shade of silence.
Loosening that screw of fear.
Overhauling the lies to pure truth.
Coloring white,parts of your life that were blue.

Love has lured me into this state.
The blood in my heart gurgles and gushes your name in each stroke of time. S.s.s.s.s.s...
My plans in life are meshed and molded by the ideas bolted by your concerns.
I'm revealing this for you taught me now is always the best time to open my book of suspense and intrigues.
Submissively painting you everywhere as her's and my ultimate fate.

We love you and appreciate all you do to make us better.
I pray for divine strength to consume and guide you through tough times of life.
The Holy Spirit to heal your discomforts and protect you from illness.

My wife and truest treasure.

By MOO aka Carswell evoL

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