Wednesday 27 March 2013


Antagonist of love.told me this story of worry.
He gave her a wild rose flower.she pushed the thorns against his heart it hurt.
Served her cold anniversorial champagne,she spilled it on his face such disgrace.
He floats with hate and sinks in mental rage.he does things that spell doom sad groom.

Protagonist of love.she left me these words in record.
I did and gave him everything,bosoms of comfort so soft.
Kept him in my mind everywhere i went,pure thoughts of humble pride from the bride.

Antagonizing his love,protagonises her hate for him.possibility of that here,is a vivid fact.
Hear them whisper into an empty duct.
Leading them back to the start of the story.
P.A or A.P

By M.O.O aka the listener and sayer.

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