Saturday 30 March 2013


How to say this without sounding betrayed or bitter?
Will you understand better in metaphor or prose?

Under the friction of sheet and skin,
Covered in dim light and scented atmosphere.
Dipped in red wine and interpolated saliva.
She no more experiences these with me.

Signed divorce papers,against scriptural laws we went.

No more meals of love and health.
No more reminders of what ought to be repaired.
There's no voice to push me harder.No affection to quell tempers in worries.
She is no longer here for us.

Tonight henceforth she wont be here to pray by our bedside.
Telling my daughter this,repeatedly,tears me down.

I'm powerless against the weakness of love.
And she too let go.

By Carswell evoL aka M.O.O

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