Wednesday 27 March 2013


Age was the crystal factor in the start.
Both present as it carbonated into time.
Our pictorial romance was like a new piece of art.
Sweetly soothing not sour as lime.
That sphere was halved,who took the top?
I left with my share of experience so to sum this up.

I conclude,a veil of excess lovely obsession towered your mind.
So you mentioned heart hurting,hence in me,IT you could never find.

I confess,wanted more than the emotional connection,
I needed the cabling cord and port to pass the information.
Your virtues of chastity wouldn't let me.
Now,why scream in the vacuum of loneliness after I let you be?

Focus on the rock at the bottom of the sea,
That's my love innate because of your acts when I longed for you.

Folding up this page officially.An envelope stamped Mr. and Miss Lonely.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

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