Saturday 30 March 2013


The earth is turning blue,
Yet I want you tonight.
Just feel your head and palms on my chest.
Girl I adore how you smile,
As you walk across my heart.
Such a feat I can't miss a bit.

Less talk I want you to see.
Feel it as I hold your back,
Our skins touch to cause a spark.
No repelling until we be done,
We'll be doing this in turns....

(Like its the beginning of love.

Until their hearts wanna burst.
Sure they can't have enough of us,
As we stand up,
stand out.
You whispering I want ya! I want ya!
Instructing,please eat me!please eat me!
Your palms twinning up higher! Up higher.
Standing no more,so lay down the earths brown) (chorus.)

I hold you in place,stare into your face.
The ceiling folding in.
Your inner self quivering.
As we bubble in the heat.

Baby now open up,let me go further in, for sure you can handle this.
I can tell through your special kiss.

My arms make the perfect arc for you,I compass and make it through.
Again the floor turns blue.
The sweetest candy I ever chewed.
Your making it easier.


Did it like it was the final one,
you've confirmed I'm the only bone.
Its a final lap,
No more turns,
True love really burns.

Buildings and flowers maybe budding now,
Only makes me wanna' add more pow!
So here's the extended blow...!
Sweet sweet eet yeah!
Do it again its the rebirth of love.


up once more like an electric pole.
Lady I electrocute that turbine hole.
Hit the base till you fall.



We had an argument like never before,
so she swore,
never to anchor me at her shore.

Waved by anger,
because of their slander,
splashed at her that i'd find another.

We parted ways that day.
So with words we began to slay,


Nothing ever fits them.
Not the phloem of the heart,
or xylem of the spirit.
They gratify in nothing.

The stem of dissatisfaction they wield,
proves just how rigid their hearts are,
impermeable to scents blown by the roses.

The mode of loving evades their ways,
they play games in your garden,
and the fun never stops at your roots.

They shoot up,trans-locate your feelings,
unfortunately you don't realize their motive,until after your petals open.

And you aren't the last flower.
On to another plant they fall-ow...

Wind of reason unleashes the dreaded chant,
" One is never Enough..."

byM.O.O aka Carswell evoL


My frown is like a smile,my crown a tiara.
Her shouts like loud whispers.
My anger her source of calm.
Her pain the end of my gain,

The hardest day her simplest minute.

The end of this and me a start for for her with that.

All her synonyms none of my antonyms.

By M.O.O similarly C.E


How to say this without sounding betrayed or bitter?
Will you understand better in metaphor or prose?

Under the friction of sheet and skin,
Covered in dim light and scented atmosphere.
Dipped in red wine and interpolated saliva.
She no more experiences these with me.

Signed divorce papers,against scriptural laws we went.

No more meals of love and health.
No more reminders of what ought to be repaired.
There's no voice to push me harder.No affection to quell tempers in worries.
She is no longer here for us.

Tonight henceforth she wont be here to pray by our bedside.
Telling my daughter this,repeatedly,tears me down.

I'm powerless against the weakness of love.
And she too let go.

By Carswell evoL aka M.O.O

Friday 29 March 2013


She wants money,
He needs some honey.
She wants fancy food,
He needs cold water that's good.
She wants cars and massionets,
He needs strength to reel in the nets.
She wants designer clothes and shoes,
He needs guidance on the path to choose.

She always wants something,
He hardly needs anything.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

In the NAME

Of LOVE never commit suicide,
Because of a breaking tide!

M.O.O aka C.evoL

Wednesday 27 March 2013


Something we had before,was re-lit the, 
glare burned through me like it once did, 
emotions re-evoked.

I felt wholesome re-born,i smut forlorn,

jubilation re-emerged from thine heart,
my thoughts re-tracked.

Feet and focus stable again,failure i cannot re-frain.
For the spasm of optimism,is my new life echoed prism.

All this because of one great touch,
The re-touch of love.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


It's the core of impartiality,
The depth of equality.
None out-does the other.
That's about me and her.

We impersonate love and court it fully,
Dissociate from cogs and man made pulleys.
Look at her whiten jealousy,
As i cut off lusty fantasies.

Our acts are real,
Perfect two way seals.She locks i unlock vice versa,
Two compliments no trespassers.

We handle problems personally,
Make decisions Biblicaly.
True verses from songs in our hearts,
Love heals lies hurt.

By M.O.O aka Carswell the impersonator.


During the thirst season i lay under the tree of reason,
Thinking of that one person who could free me from wonder prison.
Looking up the tree of fruits paired in threes,
sweet sweeter sweetest good better best.
Apple pear strawberries I had a choice to make to stop the flowing enigmatic stories.

Good-sweet,fell unto my lips a simple kiss my mind flipped.
Better-sweeter,crunched under my teeth for a second i didn't breath.
Best-sweetest,invaded my tongue suited my heart and inflated my lungs.

Now the thirst is No more,for she strawed me with The molecules of vital need

That i have never felt nor seen.

Shall i sip from your cup now that you have swam in my mind?

By Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


Your skin glows like the passion, blossoms curious as the Lilly in the purest hope of spring.
My yearning heart rises to your piano voice and leaps like a cat at the whisper of your name, Susanne.
The evening ascends in on a great dove wing.
I am calmed by your official that I carry into the twilight of jacket beams and hold next to my chest.
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of water.
As my wrist falls from my attractive, it reminds me of your earrings.
In the hushed, I listen for the last beats of the spring.
My heated neck leaps to my cotton. I wait in the crystal moonlight for your secret scarf so that we may wrapping as one, neck to neck, in search of the glorious black and spiritual necklace of love.

by Carswell E.


It's been a while since i let you know how i feel about you.
I'm erasing that shade of silence.
Loosening that screw of fear.
Overhauling the lies to pure truth.
Coloring white,parts of your life that were blue.

Love has lured me into this state.
The blood in my heart gurgles and gushes your name in each stroke of time. S.s.s.s.s.s...
My plans in life are meshed and molded by the ideas bolted by your concerns.
I'm revealing this for you taught me now is always the best time to open my book of suspense and intrigues.
Submissively painting you everywhere as her's and my ultimate fate.

We love you and appreciate all you do to make us better.
I pray for divine strength to consume and guide you through tough times of life.
The Holy Spirit to heal your discomforts and protect you from illness.

My wife and truest treasure.

By MOO aka Carswell evoL



The clouds swept above his,present,in those days.
He planted no trees of evasion to prevent the,future.
The ground earthed every deed he never undid.

The air suspended his secrets,
The wind tumbled his evil whispers.
Thus the water whetted regret to depression.

Heat melted his good side of humanity.
The cold froze the molten scars of reason and love.
The flaming memos of what was intermittently consume his life.

The kind of man known today,was before and shall be the same tomorrow.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evol


Antagonist of love.told me this story of worry.
He gave her a wild rose flower.she pushed the thorns against his heart it hurt.
Served her cold anniversorial champagne,she spilled it on his face such disgrace.
He floats with hate and sinks in mental rage.he does things that spell doom sad groom.

Protagonist of love.she left me these words in record.
I did and gave him everything,bosoms of comfort so soft.
Kept him in my mind everywhere i went,pure thoughts of humble pride from the bride.

Antagonizing his love,protagonises her hate for him.possibility of that here,is a vivid fact.
Hear them whisper into an empty duct.
Leading them back to the start of the story.
P.A or A.P

By M.O.O aka the listener and sayer.


Age was the crystal factor in the start.
Both present as it carbonated into time.
Our pictorial romance was like a new piece of art.
Sweetly soothing not sour as lime.
That sphere was halved,who took the top?
I left with my share of experience so to sum this up.

I conclude,a veil of excess lovely obsession towered your mind.
So you mentioned heart hurting,hence in me,IT you could never find.

I confess,wanted more than the emotional connection,
I needed the cabling cord and port to pass the information.
Your virtues of chastity wouldn't let me.
Now,why scream in the vacuum of loneliness after I let you be?

Focus on the rock at the bottom of the sea,
That's my love innate because of your acts when I longed for you.

Folding up this page officially.An envelope stamped Mr. and Miss Lonely.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


Three letters for an infinite send off,
It ironically pastes the five letter word of another meet up.
As hallo departs and bye arrives,i realize that weathering too occurs in the heart.

Your T.L.C fades by the augment of my disgusting demeanor.
Special moments season into must be events.

Nothing we do matters anymore.
You go anywhere with anyone,i do whatever however with whomever.
Social limitations are no longer observed.
Fidelity perchance is melting away.

I question you no more,yet somehow care and wonder...?
You study my skin, within you find no tenderness and you still touch me.
Out of rage we bag powdered love,cast it into the sea and watch it dissolve.

Can you chase after what we have lost?

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL