Wednesday 22 May 2013



My life was that way,every time i deep sat,
Drinking wine bottle after bottle,switching
To coffee in the morning.
Wondering,why? you really left.
Behind you the door slammed,echoing valedictions of unknown returns.

Quicksand more like slow sand to me,sinking
My heart was submersing in a lonely swamp.
Waiting,patience that i once wielded during courtship abetted.

Now and then.
There and here.
Two points encircled.
My gyration in confusion,shall fuse you back to your senses.

By Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


She allows him to kiss and stroke her sensual pores.
Lets him talk naughtily and hastily whilst she whispers," no" in her heart that sores.
Accepts gift from his good-ill hands of sinister motives.
Simultaneously reshuffling all she ever got from the,real other,treasured in her archives.

Her heart and conscience repeatedly choke her.

He simmers under her electric tongue and gentle illegal palms.
Within his soul no qualms.
He pleasure in her wet surfaces wiping away every sensitive hormone.
That's why the, true,one seldom tastes his bone.
Look,no trace of tentative demeanor nor sorry.
He does it sequentially with no worry.

The judge of truth,at last uproots the two thorny flowers.

By M.O.O aka C.E

Monday 13 May 2013


God sent she is
Obviously from angelic wings
Lined with love and care
Designed to protect
Eaves of passionate guidance
None like her.

Master of growth control.
Overall when it comes to loving.
Tender in ways unfathomable.
Heat emitting in cold days.
Everlasting affections she portrays.
Realism of humanity that's in her.

by Moses O. O.


Into your hands, I was delivered.
Through hard days, brought me up.
ALL dote and care, on me you poured.
Indeed you deserve , an obsessional clap.

Intransigent I was, yet you held on.
Extirpation my hobby, still you assumed.
Wordy my tongue, endlessly fell upon
your ears but again, never fumed.

My stomach to it aliment you gave.
The dry throat, with liquid quenched.
Clothes to ascertain provided i was dressed.
Diverted finances to my schooling,you squeezed.

My life of vagabondage, with you're home
Stopped it. bringing much hope.
A laborious duty, expelled with strength.
Your energy of mind, immeasurable to a storms'.

By Moses O.O


We should take things seriously,
Especially this issue of lassies.
Cause today its vividly,
Not a story of fairies.
The level of vulnerability
In adults, teens and babies,
In the hands of men of hidden neferity,
Must be our firstest of worries.
My plight to save humanity.

When you see a woman.moody.
Stop and ask, what troubles her.
When you spot a teens eyes watery,
Inquire if she was last nights dinner.
Notice your baby suddenly underbelly sickly,
Check, if you left a beast with her.
But not as an act of curiosity,
Rather a generous act as a social planner.
Woman, girl and child future armory.

By M.O.O


 Like to like, 
Find to mind. 
Love to love, 
Hurt to heart.


Days ago she knew no man.

Seconds later desire still burns.

Only conversed with him, six days.

Now what she has to say...

His my prince. in shinning armor

Only knight in my lovely drama.

Love so pure and sweet, he gives.

In me he so definitely lives.

She is nauseating feverish,

And goes," I really wish" .

This the prize she gets.

From thee man, she once met.

Nothing to remember any more.

Once beautiful feet , now sore

Six months flew so fast.

Onto the eighth, comes her first.

by Moses O.O


Was to find a woman i could love intensely,and i did.
Is to give her my heart and unconditional love,so i do.
Is to never forget anythingshe did for me,so i wont.
Is to relive my journey through her heart again,so i will.

Even though she says,"This is what you have always wanted."

Broken gourd.

By M.O.O aka Carswell.... lovE no more


Femaliarity,isn't a word,
I'm female so I make the easy look hard.
I do that because you left me in awe,
By acting cold, I've branded you,'Best Foe.'

That's the first thing I did.
Now to forget about it I do enigmatic deeds.
Revisit our special place of affection under the sunset.
Recall the hugging and sweet talk, the pain makes me not fret.
I'm erasing those moments,
Changing the millions to cents.
I'm painting you worthless,
For you,permanently, I wrap my dress.

I'm doing that so that you never see where you came from,again.
I don't care if you care about the pleasure or pain.

The last thing I'll do is to let you be,
The first was reconciling with the old me.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL


The title is an ad-nausea cliche.
To those who take breath for granted.
And tend to undervalue time borrowed from the eternal clock.

I'll open my FILE:
I liked this girl,
She loved me back.
My likes began to twirl,
My heart was thrown in the pack,
I was ticking eying the equatorial try-angle,
The mystery was could she handle?
I persuaded her to let me touch,
The physical pressure made her ouch!

Instinctively i retreated,forgot about it and left the, "lust-valley".

Fun it was but i regret doing that to her,
Forgive me for not extinguishing the fire.
I did cause i selfishly felt,
My existence in moments would melt.
Enough with self pity.
Am getting verbal dirty.

You loved me for me,
Yet treated me in ways that aint BE,
Good or fair,
You just didn't care.

Served me silent air in a chilled crystal bottle,
Simmered my adoration under quick sand spindles.
Spat at the mention of my name,
Sworethings would never be the same.
Oblivious of how long words reveberate,
Yet the sayers quickly evaporate.

Life is'nt short,
its simply shortened,
by excess unnecesarry thoughts.
Men and women have.

By.moses otieno onyango aka C.E


Ambition and effort.
The two drives in him.
As he covets for a VIP escort.
He knows the world's smile is ever grim.
Armed with a success revolver peaceably steps on a love mine.
Spasmly,present defenses collapse as focus goes wayward.
The lad-man switches from spirit to wine.
He can't continue with it so he changes guard.

Strips naked the future romance and pulls it to her current stupefied face.
Notifying her,that he has grown too fast,so he must recede.
She wonders why the sudden halt in a once thrilling chase?
His heart is releaved of greed.

He tells her,to wait for him to make enough money,
To buy a better future for them through work.
Question is,then shall she prefer milk or honey?
Sooner than soon,a silver spoon becomes a golden fork.

By Carswell evoL aka M.O.O


Women,ladies,girl child.

To cataclimise love,spoil them with affection.
Show them valor and ever flowing tough hardheartedness.
Make that lassy understand and be part of the land and cattle you have.
Take her away by action of protecting her from predators.

We laugh at the world that said that.We want them,classy ones.
We know,to own their hearts we must get them stones.
Lovely valuable cuts of minerals.
Exported carbonized rocks that ostentate them from the rest.

We cry to the modern world that has changed things.

They only want ornaments that lust-rate wealth and power.
Expect to sit on leather,so far,sets.
The women unanimously crave to loco-mote in private wheels.

Our wallets only bleed and scent poverty.
Public appeal to the modern law of love.
"Rescind this civil order."

By M.O.O aka C.E