Monday 22 April 2013


You and I existed in everyone sentence.
Our acts of passion, written within
Brackets of uncompressed love.
Since the ink of time, ran out.
Before we could become a story.

Memorabilia still unfolds.
Inside my soul that’s turning into gold.
As recalls of how, we spoke.
Sonorous, winds swept jokes.
That revolved in distant voices.

Unexpected happens, take off.
Its all fine, struggles to be on top.
By expressing affection here, yours asunder.
You vanished, temporarily or forever? I wonder.
I’m trapped in time, whom to write
Our story and set it free as a kite?

Another international, unrated or graded
Osculation to you. For the golden silence.
That I shan't misquote.
Upon its reaching, totally faded

Us is a gone chance.
My heart entangled, eternally in a knot.

carswell evole aka m.o.o


She has been born to a mother and into a family.
Being raised through tough and unpredictable events.
Learning how to survive and discern between good and best.
She waits for the one.

He was brought forth a little early.
By then he was accustomed to staying in make-shift-tents.
Hence why he knows chances are not everyday tests.
So with her he did what ought to be done.

They solved the christian equation that challenges tradition.

Adoring their union as they narrate to each-other early life,
How he prides on saying to his friends,My Wife.
How confidently,with relevance,she mentions her husband.
So this is what for them time had planned?

humility and wisdom.
Brought the two into one ultimate Holy Kingdom.

M.O.O aka still the only one.

Thursday 18 April 2013


Two kinds of hearts, one that loves(man)
the other that loves loves(woman)

L.L is original in every trace of its making,
Sincere,honest and almost unconditional.
Does motherhood instilled in them make them that way?

L.a mans favorite word,as Generic as they say it.
Mostly unconvincing,full of viruses and sadly unfulfilling after a while.
Does their forsaking image likeness reflect them that way?

Generic love vs Original love love.

  Who shall reign supreme?

By M.O.O aka Carswell Evol


When i share my hopes and ambitions,she gives me a derisory laugh.
Her dereliction,as my better half,of supporting my strides,worry's me.

Not fulfilling her desiderata of comfort,sinks my ego below the sand,drags my dreams against the sylvan of this island of dissatisfaction.

Money vindicates time from the poor.
That's a minatory statement from a deranged lover.
I'm not a derring-do in an animated dote story,am as real as the sole of a terrapin.

I descry your desiccated heart.
No more fear,no sympathy,zero tolerance.
Vicissitude of covalent romance is at threshold.

Your bolder than ever,saying wise things of truth that shake me.
I act tenaciously to keep us together,then you utter another tentative sentence.

I pause and remember,Responsibility is de rigueur in a family union.

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL

Sunday 7 April 2013


No question mark should precede my time.
No exclamation should startle your thoughts.
No apostrophe should suspend our feelings.A full stop must end the confusion.

Waves crush against the rocks,abetting,retreating from my grip!
How would you possibly grasp water?
The mystery gets worse,when at the horizon the ship's smoke is seen.

Time is,pause,play,slow and the 3D view of the-ship of love-in daylight is like a fading silhouette.

Your not here yet.

Sinking my feet under the wet sand,tuned from the heat of a steady sun.
I reckon,that sunset too is suspending itself.

So! This is how love,pends,when you wait for it at the wrong place?

Where water,earth and mankind converge.
How much longer shall we wait for Love to 'dock.'...

By Carswell E aka the unpunctuated patient

Thursday 4 April 2013


Its definition only, the spiritual bond knows.
Mine for you daily grows.
You may have loved him,
He may have loved you more,
But his matters not now.
Since mine for you presently, flows.
He may have done everything,
To make you happy, that you saw.
Today I’m doing all in my will,
To make you feel loved once more.
He may have bought and showed
You places and things beyond.
In my time under His blessings,
I too shall shower you with paradise.
My thoughts might seem vague.
But my heart suffers from love plague…
The only cure is time, patience
Love, endurance from you and I.
He can be part of it,
But on the side lines.

Ill be her second dad,
Even if it drives him mad.
He can kill me, I don’t care.
You’re worth dying for.
Answer this: if I cant live for my loved one?
Why would I die for my haters?
If I cant die for you and her,
Why live for my enemies?
 But he isn’t my fiend,
Since he never got you in plenty.
Like I have you today.
I love you so to say.
Don’t doubt my tongue
Or question my talented palms.

Fall in love with me,
All over again, every time
We kiss, hold and taste each other.

By MOO a.k.a Carswell Evol


What I feel is more than love
Addiction yes, but honest and real
Am annoying. You’re quick to anger
But still I recollect to the addiction
Spewed by your heart into my soul.
Forgive me. Sorry.
My love isn’t easy, but the addiction,
Keep us going. Don’t give up

Carswell evol


Darling your silence,
Proves that you hate audience.
I’m at the top of the list,
But at least understand that I’m human
Simplicity and fun is who I am.

But if you want me to become serious
And make our love boring, 
By shutting up when I can afford,
A smile. I can do that.
Will that make you happy?

Then I’m sorry for being happy
Just in order to see you smile,
I’ll be sad and bitterly then
Then ill watch if you’ll cry or act indifferent.
But don’t say I’ve changed…..!

You miss Nellie, the center of your joy.
I’m the periphery of it.
I’m the core of your hate,
But that won’t deter me from loving you.
Know that I won’t let go of you.
But my character ill change.
I’ll become what you want me to be.


Tuesday 2 April 2013


I taste the air, single out sweetness
Ventured to find the source
Love songs tried obstructing me
Plugged my ears, sensed you were close.
The sugary essence, activated my adrenaline
A passionate zeal to locate, consumed me

Alas! I saw the greatest honey comb
Your yellow brown complexion, amazed me
Inched closer, touched and tasted it
Such passion o f pleasure never had I
I’m thinking of taking my vows now
So that I, eternally hold and sip you



I felt the super-normal tree
In search for its subtle fruit
           The twigs her wig
            Its branches, rough hands
            Green leaves eerie eyes

The wind brushed, her voice
Swung its trunk, its noisy body
Its buttress roots legs of mystery
That held and absorbed love
As I transpired my feelings

Reached out for the, ripe fruit
As it lay upon the ground
Yet lively down
I got it plucked! Took a bite
Now, how do I restore it…?

By M.O.O aka Carswell evoL